Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Road closure and diversion routes

Road closures cause disruption to drivers, pedestrians, residents and businesses and should only be considered if absolutely necessary. Closing a public road, footpath or verge without a lawful closure is illegal.

If the event cannot run without a road closure, the event organiser is advised to consider the following factors in the earliest planning stages:

  • Plan the event to take place outside of peak traffic hours (such as 7am to 9.30 am and 4pm-6pm)
  • Are there any lessons from previous events that need to be taken into consideration?
  • Have you consulted local residents, businesses, organisations about the closure?
  • What is the option for diversion routes?
  • The Council will ultimately agree routes proposed.
  • Are there any motorways or major roads that might be affected?
  • If so a closure may well be refused or direction signing could be prohibitively expensive.
  • Have you consulted local bus companies regarding the closure?
  • Have you made any contingency plans for emergency access to your closure, for example attending an accident?
  • What plans are there to avoid/remove broken down vehicles already in place before the closure commences?
  • What plans are there to enable businesses or residents to access their property within the closure?
  • Your traffic management plan needs to describe the road closure and diversion signing together with the barriers to be used and explain who will be responsible on the day for its deployment and management.
  • What training will be provided to event staff managing the closure?
  • Are parking restrictions requested as part of your traffic management plan?

Additional information and support for event organisers

  • Event organisers can arrange to borrow yellow ‘no parking’ cones from the Councils parking provider. Subject to availability these can be loaned at £nil cost other than paying to replace any cones that are damaged and/or not returned.
  • Event Organisers can arrange to borrow road closed signs and diversion signs to support a public event. Subject to availability these can be loaned at £nil cost other than paying to replace any signs that are damaged and/or not returned.
  • Please note: Event organisers are required to collect these signs from our depot on Moorhey Street. All collections must be prearranged.
  • The council normally waives its fee for the preparation of road closure orders for events.

Should you have any questions related to road closures or if would like to request traffic signs or cones to support an event, please email our events team: