Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

6. Transfers and changes to designated premises supervisors


A transfer application would be submitted to transfer a premises licence from one person to another.

To be eligible to transfer a premises licence into your name, you must be aged 18 years or over and must be able to evidence your entitlement to work in the UK.

Premises licences can also be transferred into a company name, a registered charity, a recognised club, the proprietor of an educational establishment and more. Full details of who may hold a premises licence can be found on the application form.

The person who wishes to take over the premises licence is “the applicant” and must complete the application form. The application form must be accompanied by a signed consent form, from the previous licence holder, to verify they authorise the transfer to take place.

If the premises licence you are transferring into your name permits the sale or supply of alcohol from the premises, then you may also be required to complete an application to change the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). A DPS is responsible for all sales of alcohol from a premises at which they are specified.

If there is going to be a change to the specified DPS, an application must be made to the licensing authority to notify them.

Change of DPS

A Designated Premises Supervisor, also referred to as a DPS, is responsible for all sales of alcohol from a premises at which they are specified as the nominated DPS.

The DPS’s details appear on the Premises Licence where they are nominated. If at any point a DPS is going to be absent from the premises, written authority should be in place allowing a named individual(s) to act on their behalf. This written authority acknowledges that should any issues occur, such as underage sales, the DPS would still be ultimately responsible.

A DPS must hold a Personal Licence with the Licensing Authority for where they reside. For more guidance and information on how to obtain a Personal Licence, please refer to the Personal Licence section of our website.

There must always be a DPS specified on a Licence where the premises supplies alcohol. If there is going to be a change to the nominated DPS, an application must be made to the Licensing Authority to notify them of that change. The only person who can apply to make a change to the DPS is the Premises Licence Holder.

The application must be completed on the prescribed form. The proposed DPS is also required to complete a consent form, to confirm they are happy to be specified as the DPS.

Removing yourself as DPS

A DPS can remove themselves from a Premises Licence at any time. If you are currently specified as a DPS on a Premises Licence and want to remove yourself, you can do so by making application on the prescribed form below.

The removal of a DPS application takes immediate effect, and the Premises Licence Holder must apply to specify a new DPS at the premises to continue licensable activities.