Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

3. New Premises Licence

A premises licence authorises the use of any premises for licensable activities. If you intend to run a business and carry on licensable activities, you must do so in a way that promotes the four licensing objectives. These are:

  • Prevention of Crime & Disorder
  • Public Safety
  • Prevention of Public Nuisance
  • Protection of Children from Harm

Application Form

The application for a premises licence is a lengthy form. It incorporates anything you may need to apply for; however, you only need to complete the sections relevant to you and your business.

Plan of Premises

In addition to a completed application form, you will also be required to submit a plan of the premises. We have created a guidance document on plan requirements and included an example drawing to assist you.

Other things to consider

If your application is for the grant of a licence to supply alcohol, your application must be accompanied by a consent form to be completed by the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS).

A DPS must hold a Personal Licence with the Licensing Authority for where they reside. For more guidance and information on how to obtain a Personal Licence please refer to the Personal Licence section.

Advertising the application

When you are applying for the grant of a premises licence, you must advertise the application in two ways.

Please use our Guidance on Advertising for full details and an advertisement notice template, this can be found at the bottom of this page.

Consultation Period / Representations

Once your application is submitted, there is a 28-day consultation period whereby people are permitted to submit any representations in respect of your application. These representations can be against, or in support of, your application.

Your application will also be forwarded to the Responsible Authorities for consultation. These authorities are:

  • Greater Manchester Police
  • Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
  • Planning
  • Trading Standards (Weights & Measures)
  • Environmental Health (Noise Nuisance & Health and Safety)
  • Public Health
  • Safeguarding (protection of children from harm)
  • Home Office Immigration Enforcement

Following the 28-day consultation period, if no representations are received, your application will be granted.

For more detailed information on representations please visit the page on our website (below)