2. Chairs

Company Chairs

  • Miocare: Cllr Steven Bashforth
  • Unity Partnership: Cllr Fida Hussain

Statutory Chairs

  • Planning: Cllr Ruji Surjan
  • Licensing: Cllr Sajed Hussain
  • Health and Wellbeing Board: Cllr Jennifer Harrison

District Leads

  • Central Oldham – Cllr Aqeel Salamat
  • East Oldham – Cllr Angela Cosgrove
  • North Oldham – Cllr Steven Bashforth
  • South Oldham – Cllr Peter Davis
  • West Oldham – Cllr Graham Shuttleworth

Scrutiny Chairs

  • Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board – Cllr Eddie Moores
  • Children and Young People Scrutiny Board - Cllr Eddie Moores
  • Governance, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board – Cllr Colin McLaren
  • Place, Economic Growth and Environment Scrutiny Board – Cllr Colin McLaren

Outside bodies

  • The Greater Manchester Transport Committee: Cllr Elaine Taylor
  • Peak District NP: Cllr Paul Fryer
  • Pension Fund: Cllr Abdul Jabbar MBE