Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you’re reading this page you’re probably thinking about getting engaged or have recently got engaged. If so, congratulations!

There are a number of key steps you must take in order to ensure your marriage is legal. Don’t worry – we’ll help you to make it quick and easy for you. Just follow the simple steps below.

Choose and book a venue

The first key step is to choose a venue.

Why not check out the wonderful Chadderton Town Hall? 

Or take a look at our list of other approved venues in Oldham. 

If you wish to choose a religious venue you will need to consult the relevant religious officials.

If you want to get married in a venue that has not been approved for weddings, you can apply for a building to be certified. Charges to cover costs apply.

To enquire about certifying a new venue, call us on 0161 770 4963.

Give notice

Once you’ve booked a venue and set a date you must, by law, give at least one month’s notice before your wedding date.

To do so, book an appointment at Oldham Register Office at least 29 days before the wedding.

You can give notice up to 12 months in advance. A fee of £42 each, payable to cover the cost of publicising the notice.

The only exception to this is if two UK nationals are getting married in a Church of England ceremony. In this case, the minister may be able to give notice differently, by way of a process called “publishing banns”.

If either party to the marriage is a foreign national the minister will not be able to publish banns and you will need to give notice of marriage.

Couples getting married in a Church of England ceremony are advised to speak to their Minister about giving notice before booking an appointment.

Documents you will need to give notice

There are documents you will need to bring with you to give notice.

These are listed on the GOV.UK website:

If you are unable to bring the correct documents to your appointment you will be unable to give notice of your marriage or civil partnership.

Do you need a registrar to attend?

In some circumstances there is a need for a registrar to attend a ceremony to certify the marriage at a venue in Oldham. This will depend on the venue you choose, so seek advice from the venue when making your booking.

To book a registrar to attend, call 0161 770 8960.