The register of electors (sometimes called the 'electoral roll') is a list of everyone who is registered to vote in Oldham.

Check if you are registered to vote

You can check if you are on the register by emailing the Elections Office:

Are you eligible to register?

  • You must be resident at an address.
  • You have to be 18 or over.
  • You must be a British, qualifying Commonwealth, Irish or other European Union citizen.

Overseas electors

Overseas electors are allowed to vote in British Parliamentary and European Parliamentary Elections only.

European Union Citizens are allowed to vote in European Parliamentary and Local Elections only.

Overseas electors include:

  • British citizens living abroad
  • Members of HM Forces and their spouses
  • Crown servants employed outside the United Kingdom
  • European Union Citizens

About the register 

The Electoral Registration Service produces and maintains the register of people in the District who are entitled to vote in all local and parliamentary elections.

You can only vote in elections if your name is on the register of electors.

The Electoral Registration Officer makes and keeps two versions of the electoral register - the electoral register and the open register.

The Electoral Register

The full register lists everyone who is entitled to vote.

You can check it by calling at the Elections Office at the Civic Centre in Oldham.

Anyone can look at it, but it is a criminal offence to give, or use, copies of it for purposes other than those set down in law.

You can find more information on the Electoral Commission website

We use the full register to show who can vote in elections and referendums.

It is also used for other limited purposes specified in law, such as:-

  • detecting crime (e.g. fraud) 
  • calling people for jury service 
  • checking credit applications (only to verify your name and address)