Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

4. Additional resources and information

Starting a new community food growing project 

For help and advice on setting up a community growing project in Oldham contact Environmental Services 
T: 0161 770 4056 

Advice on how to grow your own food 

There is a lot of information available which can be overwhelming. A good place to start is to contact or visit your local growing hub in Oldham:

For online help, the RHS has lots of useful advice for growing in the UK.  

The website ‘garden focussed’ is great for help with growing in a specific location. It can be set to Oldham for guidance on seed sowing and harvesting times for particular vegetables. 

For organic growing methods, Garden Organic have been supporting organic growers for many years.

If you are interested in growing Bangladeshi vegetables subscribe to YouTube channel: Ali Raja Bagan Bari UK 

To find out more about no-dig growing.

Finding volunteers, funding help and advice  

Contact Action Together, Volunteer Centre, Oldham:

T: 0161 339 2345 