Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Get involved

An opportunity for everyone 

If you live in Oldham, the projects, activities and events supported by Get Oldham Growing are for your benefit, learning and enjoyment. 


Get involved at your local Growing Hub. Join as a member or sign up as a volunteer… 

Volunteers provide invaluable support to our growing community. Volunteer roles range from gardening, to befriending, outreach, promotion or training support. Volunteers are welcomed for one-off events or regularly weekly opportunities. Experienced and beginners are all welcome. 

Volunteer positions are advertised locally by each growing Hub or listed with Oldham’s Volunteer Centre (Action Together)

Get inspired 

Visit your local Hub. Learn something new. Take home inspiration to try something, grow something, cook something… Oldham Growing Hubs are a resource for you. Visit your local Growing Hub and find out more about what you can grow at home or with your community. 

Attend events, training, workshops… Oldham Growing Hubs offer a range of events, training and workshops throughout the year. Learn new skills, share your knowledge. See the blog for details. 

Start your own growing project, either at home or in a community setting. Contact for information or advice. 

Fresh, locally grown produce 

Support your local Growing Hub by buying their fresh locally grown fruit and vegetables. Several Growing Hubs sell their produce to help fund their ongoing running costs.  

Enjoy fresh produce cooked in a community setting, learn new recipes and enjoy with friends at Cook and Eat sessions 

In times of need, Oldham residents can still access locally grown fresh, healthy produce through supplies to Oldham Foodbank from Oldham Growers 

If you are involved in growing food at a community setting, subscribe to the blog and join a network of community growing projects and share news and events.  
