Are you an Oldham resident who is looking for work or support? The Get Oldham Working Team can help you to improve your physical and mental health. 

At Get Oldham Working, we’re supporting WorkWell Vanguard, a service that is dedicated to helping Oldham residents who might be at risk of losing their job, or have recently become unemployed due to health related issues.

If you’re an Oldham resident that is working, but could face unemployment, or you have been out of work less than eight weeks, please get in touch today for access to:

  • Individualised, tailored support from your own personal adviser
  • Therapy and counselling for up to 26 weeks
  • Oldham Community Leisure, with a bespoke plan for your health needs
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Employment support
  • Support applications to Access to work
  • National Careers service for independent Information, 
  • Advice and Guidance for learning, training and work

Get in touch with the friendly team today: 

T: 0161 770 4674

Just mention ‘WorkWell Vanguard’ and our team will contact you for a chat to discuss your needs.