Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Our Housing Options Service delivers a comprehensive range of services from under one roof

These include:

  • Applying for social housing
  • Housing advice
  • Homelessness Service
  • Tenancy Relations Service
  • Central Access Point (CAP) for supported housing

Housing Options Service Standards

We will:

  • Treat you with respect and care giving you the time to share what’s happening.
  • Listen carefully to make sure we understand how to best connect you with wider support.
  • Provide housing advice, support and assistance on the same day if you are at risk of rough sleeping.
  • Provide housing advice, support and assistance within 5 working days if you are at risk of homeless within the next 28 days.
  • Make sure the Housing service calls you back within 5 working days for non-urgent queries.
  • Let you know the outcome of your application to join the housing register within 10 working days once all requested information has been received. If you are successful, you will be given a bidding number.


You can contact the Housing Options Service by: