Repairs at First Choice Homes Oldham (FCHO) properties
If you need a repair at your FCHO home, reporting it is easy.
Use the MyAccount portal 24/7, 365 days a year.
Log in at:
- Call 0161 393 7117
Find more information on the First Choice Homes Oldham website.
Repairs for FCHO properties - FCHO website
Repairs if your home is managed by Oldham Council
How you can provide feedback or request repairs if you are a direct tenant of the Council:
Repairs and maintenance of rented properties
When you rent a property from a private landlord, the landlord is required to comply with the law relating to housing repair.
Mould and damp in the home
Mould and damp in your home can cause serious health problems including allergies, or trigger asthma attacks.
Neighbouring property causing damage to your home
What to do if your neighbour's property is defective and causing problems for your property.
Let us know about someone sleeping rough
The details you provide will help support services find the individual and connect them to support.
Report an empty home
Help the Council keep neighbourhoods safe and cared for by reporting empty homes.