Playgroup open school term only
78 Windsor Road, Oldham, Oldham, OL8 1RP

Contact phone

0161 284 8497 or 07985 497 572
Ofsted URN: 301004

Ofsted rating



From 2 to 5 years old



Opening times

Monday to Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm Morning session: 8.45am - 11.45am, Afternoon session: 11.50am - 2.50pm

Cost details

Please see the table below

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?



Registered for 30 hours free childcare

The pre-school offers a range of packages for childcare 

Fees increase every September and April 



PRICE (weekly)

3-4 year olds

PRICE (weekly)

2 year olds


AM (8.45-11.45) or PM (11.50 -2.50)




AM (8.45-11.45) or PM (11.50 -2.50)




Thu – Fri
AM (8.45-11.45) or PM (11.50 -2.50)




(8.45AM - 2.45PM)



Special diets offered

On discussion with Parents

Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

We start observing children/assessing and planning for children as soon as they start. Parents fill an all about me form during induction session. We listen to parents concerns; we also talk to parents if we have any concerns. We also make sure the SENCo are all up to date with their trainings. We liaise with other professionals.

How do you involve parents/carers?

We invite them for 4+1 meeting and talk to them about any concerns, find out about their views and thoughts. Ask for consent if other professionals need to be involved.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

Keep you updated on activities/ provide resources Make individual targets

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

By following our policies and procedure, being equal following the British values policy. Having realistic targets, following the EYFS/ SEN code of practice

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

Through observations, reviewing targets, meetings with parents and other professionals

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

Object of reference, intensive interaction, mirroring the child. Differentiate activities, lots of modelling and repeating

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

Very easy and accessible environment. Enough space, we have visual labelling and we differentiate activities according to child's needs

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

We carry out risk assessments, ask parents to come along.

How do you work with other organisations?

Meetings, emails, phone calls. If we need any advice we will get in touch with the AEN advisors. We have regular meetings with other professionals and the parents are included in these meetings too.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

We support all children equally, differentiate activities. Have a visual time table to support children.

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

All staff hold a Paediatric First Aid qualification, which is updated every three years. All our staff are sign along trained, we have in house trainings to remind staff and refresh their knowledge. We work well with other professionals. Our staff do Online training. Face to face training, weekly meetings. Staff Shadow other member for extra training and knowledge. We have 4 staff that have completed level 3 in Elklan. We have taken part in the early literacy programme, EYPD, and so many more projects that we are involved in.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

You can speak to the nursery SENCO, Manager or the child's key worker, they are all available in session if you would like to discuss your child’s needs. We have a complaints procedure in place which we follow, you can also approach the local authority or OFSTED, depending on the level of your complaint.
Updated: 24/02/2023