Playgroup open school term only
Alcester Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 8LD
Contact phone
0161 345 7337Contact email
Ofsted URN: 301112
Ofsted rating
GoodOfsted report
From 2 and 5 years oldOpening times
Monday to Friday 9am - 3.30pmCost details
Per session: £17Free childcare possible for 2 year olds
YesFree childcare possible for 3/4 year olds
YesTakes childcare vouchers?
YesDrops-off/picks-up from
Yew Tree Community SchoolDescription
Registered for 30 hours free childcare
Sessions Available:
9:00am - 12:00noon, 12.30pm - 3.30pm or 9.00am - 3.30pm.
Session Costs - 2yr old £14, 3 yr old £12
Full day - £30 2 yr old
- £26 3 yr old
Lunch £2 Term time only.
Reduction for siblings negotiable.
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Special diets offered
On discussion with ParentsProvides for different cultural needs
YesHow do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?
• Gain information about child’s development on our registration forms. Working in partnerships with parents /carers and other professionals. • Speak to health visitor if concerns with parents’ consentHow do you involve parents/carers?
• Parents know their children best, always listen to their concerns. • Be honest and open with parents understanding that this may be difficult for them, be supportive • Listen and implement parents’ ideas and thoughts into 4plus one meetings and person-centred reviews. • Offer advice and signpost community support groups that we feel relevant to their child /family needs. • Regularly conversations with your child’s key personHow do you support a child’s learning and development?
• Follow children’s interests • Implement strategies and advice from other professionals involved. • Ensure your child feels safe and secure in a warm caring environment. • Adults support when needed. • Continuity of care. • Familiar and caring staff / staff meetings • Modify language to support children’s understanding • SEND policy • Pre School SEN policy and procedures • Differentiate planning to support children’s individual needs. • Be flexible, changing approach when needed • Attend local authority SEND network meetingsHow do you meet a child’s educational needs?
• Through observations and evaluations • Very experienced team • Consistent in our approach. • Follow and implement professional’s advice • Change strategies when needed. • Keep ourselves up to date • Training • SEND policy • Be flexible, changing approach when needed • Sharing of information • Staff meetings • Plan – do – reviewHow do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?
Through their development • Daily conversations • Tapestry – observations • Assessment tools • Children’s tracking • Parent discussions • Person centred reviews • 4+1 meetings • Professionals observationsHow do you adapt for a child with extra needs?
• Follow children’s interest, • Visual timetable • Age and stage appropriate toys /activities. • Large visual photos. • Highly stimulating environment. • Use of sensory resources and sensory room Follow advice given from outside professionals (Person Centred Review)How accessible is your service, outside and inside?
We have a lovely safe enclosed outdoor area that all children can access throughout the sessions, we have a large soft play area and a new AstroTurf area. Our children spend lots of time outdoors. We are strong believers in the benefits of providing an indoor /outdoor classroom environment and plan to ensure that this is accessible to all children ensuring that we are flexible to accommodate children’s everchanging interests and needs. We also have a garden area which includes an allotment and a willow tree for children to explore the natural environment around them. Our indoor provision is carefully thought out to ensure that there is a safe, enabling and stimulating environment for children to explore and learn freely. Our indoor provision includes a wide range of resources which are age and stage appropriate and carefully thought about to meet every child’s individual needs. There are open shelves with photos of each activity /resource at children’s level so that all resources are accessible and supporting children to know where things belong. We have a creative room in the conservatory, children are encourage to make their own choices during free play. Areas are enhanced to follow children’s interests and extend their learning. We have weekly planning meetingsHow do you involve children in outings and trips?
• An in-depth risk assessment and a pre visit will be completed and adaptations will be put in place as necessary • Discussions with parents. Parents will be invited to come along if they wish to do so. • Additional resources obtained e.g. buggy / reigns • One to one adult support if neededHow do you work with other organisations?
If your child has been identified as having additional needs the Pre School may make referrals to external agencies. • Outside agencies will be made welcome to visit the setting and observe children. • Share information through telephone conversations and emails. • Invite to professionals’ meetings. • Outside agencies involved with the child will be sent a copy of the child’s person-centred reviews and any other relevant information /documents. • Follow their advice and implement agreed strategies.How do you support children when they start and leave?
As we are based within a mainstream school, most children move into the school’s nursery or reception class next door, we have a strong working relationship with the school. We have a transition meeting with the new class teacher, school SENCO where parents and carers will attend, any outside agencies involved will also be invited, we also complete a transition document and pass this over at the meeting. We can then plan what support the child needs to ensure the smoothest transition possible this may include, Extra class visits, Transition book /photos of new areas /staff Class teacher to come into Pre School for short visits New uniform /transition box As some children may go to another school/setting, in the past we have – • Had other schools come and visit the child in the setting, • Arranged for the child to visit the new school/ setting • Sent an in-depth transition document • Held a transition meeting if possible • Shared relevant information with consent Invite to professional meeting • Telephone conversationsHow are you/staff trained in extra needs?
• Inhouse staff training • Senco’s attend network meetings • Keep up to date with local authority training • Currently participating in language champions and attending network meetings around this. • Keep up to date with policies and procedures. • Identify training needs and resource relevant training, to support children’s individual needs.What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?
Parents have the opportunity to tell the setting on what they do well and how they could improve on the parent questionnaire forms. The setting also has a parent comment book, parents also have the opportunity to write a message for the managers, on the bottom of each newsletter. Follow our complaints procedure • Contact the settings managers and raise the issue, • Most complaints will be resolved at this stage. • We record the issue and how it was resolved. If this does not have the satisfactory outcome or the problem re occurs, the parents will be asked to put the complaint into writing. This will then be investigated. We will inform parents the outcome of the investigation within 28 days. If the complaint is resolved at this time, we will log the summative points in our complaint file which is made available to Ofsted on request. If the complaint is still not resolved we will suggest a meeting including committee members, the outcome will be logged and filed away. Parents /carers may contact Ofsted or 0300 123 4666 Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, Postcode M1 2WD
Updated: 05/08/2020
- 2. Good