Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Day nursery open all year
141 Glodwick Road, Glodwick, Oldham, OL4 1AR

Contact phone

0161 465 0929

Contact email
Ofsted URN: EY481847

Ofsted rating



From 6 months to 5 years old



Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am - 3.30pm, Short day 9am - 3pm Morning session: 9am - 12pm, Afternoon session 12.30pm - 3.30pm

Cost details

Per session: £20, Per day: £39.50, Per week: £160

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?



Registered for 30 hours free childcare


Special diets offered

On discussion with Parents

Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

All children throughout the setting have an allocated key worker who is responsible for monitoring their children's development. We use many different types of assessments when assessing children, which all play an important role when identifying Special Needs . On a daily basis staff observe and assess children's development, using the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) planning activities to support children's individual needs. During these processes they will identify any delays in development. Children are tracked termly, this information also supports early identification and supports any concerns identified through observation. We believe observing children through free play situations gives truer reflections on development as children are more relaxed in these situations. Any developmental concerns identified are recorded and shared with parents and the setting SENCO. We have three very experienced SENCO's who have supported children with additional needs for a very long time, they have a thorough understanding of the processes that need to be in place to support your child through their journey in the setting and into Primary school.

How do you involve parents/carers?

We feel that it is vital that parents are involved in their children's developmental journey. From first contact we ask about their child's health, care and developmental routines. We openly invite parents to share their views on their child's development by providing them with an age appropriate ASQ questionnaire on entry to gather their thoughts on where their child is up to within their development. This information alongside our admission forms and general discussions support our baseline assessments, completed when the child has settled. If concerns are identified parents are invited in for a meeting with SENCO and Key worker and a 'Cause for concern' form is completed. Parents can feed in any concerns they have and gather the information they need from us to understand our concerns. SENCO at this point will implement an individual plan which is discussed and shared with parents. We liaise with parents on a daily basis but will invite parents to regular meetings to review the child's progress.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

Keyworkers complete all observations on an online learning journal called 'Tapestry,' these are emailed to you directly once complete. This system gives parents the opportunity to receive regular updates of what their child is doing at nursery so they can support in the home. Parents can access this in their own time giving them the opportunity to spend more time to read through what their child has achieved. Parents can also upload their own observations to share their child's achievements in the home. We hold regular review meetings with parents to record their child's achievements and responses to interventions implemented. We regularly send home activities to ensure that we are working together to achieve the appropriate outcomes for their child.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

As part of the SENCO role we regularly work with our keyworkers to ensure they are confident with their duties when supporting children with additional needs, this includes role modelling strategies, allowing staff to access further training needed to support the child and generally developing confidence in staff through robust coaching and mentoring systems. Our SENCO's review targets and work closely with key workers to ensure that the strategies implemented are appropriate and effective to ensure the children's needs are met.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

As part of the SENCO role we will arrange and chair regular meetings with parents and professionals to review children's progress and assess progress made. These meetings are known as Person Centred Review meetings. We discuss what's great about your child, what's important for them, what's important to them, what's working well, what's not working well, your child's aspirations long and short term and an agreed action plan of what's going to happen next going forward. All professionals involved, along with parents will share their thoughts and advice and as a team we will all agree achievable outcomes to be implemented. A copy of all meetings and individual plans will be shared with parents and professionals involved so they can refer back to agreed outcomes.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

On a daily basis we plan and provide a wide range of stimulating experiences and activities. We do our upmost to ensure that ALL children can access them. We look at every child's individual needs and will adapt activities according to their strengths and weaknesses. Some children with additional needs may need specific resources and equipment to support their individual development and to allow them to access areas, we will work with professionals to provide the support your child needs to access our setting

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

All rooms are spacious and provide a well resourced free flow environment for children to access independently at floor and child height. We have two outdoor areas which are fully accessible. We have 3 ground floor rooms which allow wheelchair access. Where possible we would keep your child in line with their peer group and adapt provision to ensure that the room your child accessed was age appropriate. In our ajacent building we have three large rooms which are fully accessible with access to the large outdoor area. We also have disabled toileting faciliates in each building.

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

Risk assessments will be completed prior to trip/outing going ahead. All children's needs will be assessed and adaptions will be made where possible. We will do our upmost to ensure all children can access the outing.

How do you work with other organisations?

We have very good working relationships with external services that support our nursery, children and families. We contact professionals on a regular basis for advice and support, they are more than happy to accommodate our needs. Professionals are involved in our Person Centred Review meetings and all advice given is embedded in practice and plans. We support professionals with visits and share the relevant information needed for them to give appropriate support.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

On entry to the setting we will hold a transition meeting with parents and professionals to discuss the support your child will need whilst here at Giggle and Grow. All children get a 4hr free trial before starting at the nursery, however children with additional needs may require further trials. We can agree on a staggered intake to suit your child's needs and gradually increase to the desired sessions once the support is in place and your child is happy in our environment. Your child's key worker will be present in meetings prior to starting and will be present where possible at settling in sessions to support attachments. As children progress and start to get ready to leave the setting we will arrange a transition meeting with the school and all professionals involved, to share relevant information and to support the school to ensure they have the appropriate resources in place for your child's entry. If required we will work with professionals to prepare and submit Educational Health Care Plan prior to leaving to ensure the appropriate support is in place for your child. ( EHCP's are not guaranteed, applications will be made if professionals feel this high level of support is needed in a school provision. A panel will assess evidence shared and they will decide if the child needs an EHC Plan. )

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

We have three very experienced SENCO who have accessed all up to date training that has been provided by the Local Authority, we have all new processes in place to support the new SEND reforms. We have 2 other staff who have accessed SENCO training and support children within the provision. Many staff have accessed Visual Strategy training, intensive interaction training & sensory processing training which is provided by the NHS on a needs basis. We have a member of staff who has completed a 12 month course on supporting children 1:1 with additional needs, she currently supports our children with additional funding. We have also accessed Elklan training & Welcomm training to support children will communication and language delays. One of our SENCO'S has completed Solihull training which supports understanding behaviours and supporting the whole family. We have many staff who have lots of experience, all training is cascaded throughout the team and we regularly update staff with new legislation and processes. We will attend any training required to your support your child.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

"Our nursery believes that parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their individual needs and wishes. We hope that at all times you will be happy with the service provided and that you might like to voice your appreciation to the staff concerned. Complaints should be dealt with professionally and promptly to ensure that any issues arising from these complaints are handled effectively and to ensure the welfare of all children. We welcome any feedback and suggestions from parents on how we can improve our services, to will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns that you may have by following our complaints procedure as outlined below: If any parent should have cause for complaint or any queries regarding the care or education of their child, they should in the first instance discuss this with the child's key person or a senior member of staff/room leader. If the issue remains unresolved and there is not a satisfactory outcome, then the manager should be contacted. We love to hear how we are doing so receiving compliments in any form is welcome, we proudly share your feedback with our children, families, staff and outside agencies."
Updated: 28/03/2023