Supported housing for vulnerable women
For single women or women with children who are at risk of, or fleeing, domestic abuse.
Address information is confidential.

Contact phone

0161 628 4991 or 0300 3033 581

Contact email


Women from 18 years old

Cost details

The cost of these properties is covered by rent. If you are on a low income, or in receipt of certain benefits, you may be entitled to Housing Benefit to cover this. You are required to pay £25.00 per week (as at November 2011) to cover gas, electricity and water. You will be expected to purchase your own television licence if you have a television in your room.


The scheme is a purpose built refuge containing 6 suites. Accommodation can be provided for between 20 and 26 women, depending on household size. One suite has disabled access and another suite is designed for the cultural respect of south Asian women. Each suite has double bedrooms and single bedrooms for exclusive use of occupants. There are shared kitchen and bathroom facilities in each suite. There are also communal shared facilities for all customers to enjoy. These consist of 3 lounges, 2 fully equipped playrooms, 1 teenager's room, 1 quiet/library area, to gardens with fitted play equipment for children.

Staff availability

Staff are available on site 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


You deserve to be safe, happy and healthy in your relationships with your family, friends and community. Domestic abuse affects many people, regardless of age, gender, financial status, location, religion or sexuality.

If you are in a relationship where you feel unsafe, unhappy and unhealthy, or have ended such a relationship and are still experiencing abuse, we can help.

If anyone in your family or others that you know are abusing, controlling, harassing or violating you, we can help.

You don’t have to deal with this alone. We offer a safe place to stay if needed, along with support, guidance and practical help to create a safer, happier and healthier future for you.

We offer inclusive, non-judgemental and respectful services to women, children and men.

Women with SEND will have to ring up as it depends on case by case.

Our services in Oldham:

  • Safe 24hr emergency refuge accommodation
  • Provision for women & children, boys up until 16 years
  • Dedicated services for children and young people
  • Move on accommodation
  • Resettlement support
  • Group Domestic Abuse Interventions
Updated: 14/08/2023