Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours
Registered charity: 1141823
Supported housing, support and advice
Supported tenancies for people with learning disabilities: be part of the local community, and make and maintain relationships

Referral details

No referral is needed if you are self funded or have a direct payment, however a referral can be made through your social worker or care manager
Head Office - Central Team IAS 110 Chapel Street Leigh WN7 2DB

Contact phone

01942 801009 (Head Office)


From 18 years old


IAS is a registered charity supporting people in Wigan, Oldham, Trafford and Salford.

We offer support on an individual basis for life at home, in family life, and in the community.

Support is available for:

  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autism
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Mental Health
  • Elderly
  • Extra Care

We place a great focus on health and well being and getting the support right for people. IAS has done a lot of work over the years to support people to live in the way they want to, in the right environment and with the right people. Whether this be living alone, being part of a small community sharing support with others also in their own places or sharing a house with others.

Updated: 29/08/2024