Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours
Engagement and mentoring programme
Create a better future

Contact phone

0161 621 940


15 - 19 year olds


Our programme will provide tailored coaching, mentoring and wellbeing support to help young people achieve positive career outcomes. The team will work with local partners to support young people at key transition points in their career journey. These include leaving school or starting college, training, or employment. Connect To Your Future helps young people to identify their career options and identify and access learning and work opportunities.  The coaching support allows for a holistic approach to support development helping young people to boost self-confidence, increase motivation, and resilience to progress to sustainable career outcomes.

The programme offer will include:

  • 1:1 and groupwork
  • Delivery in a range of environments - school, community venues, home etc

The programme will run from January 2022 to September 2023 and will support the most disengaged young people aged 15-19 with bespoke mentoring, advice, and guidance. The Connect To Your Future programme is voluntary and access is by referral from education or wider support agencies. The mentoring support can last up to 6 months as the aim is to help young people ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET) or at risk of becoming NEET into positive destinations.

Any enquiries please contact the Project Manager Angela Lofters

Updated: 21/12/2022