Day nursery open all year
130 Haven Lane, Oldham, OL4 2QQ

Contact phone

0161 785 9084
Ofsted URN: EY557680

Ofsted rating



From 2 years to 5 years

Opening times

Monday to Friday 7.45am - 5pm

Cost details

Per week: £240

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?



Registered for 30 hours free childcare

Sessions available:

  • Morning session - £38.00
  • Afternoon session - £35.00
  • Day - £51.00

Discount for siblings
Meals and snacks provided

Follow us on Facebook


Special diets offered

On discussion with parents

Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

Through robust observations and assessments which are tailored to each individual child.

How do you involve parents/carers?

Through shared observations and a dedicated meeting room within the setting.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

Through our robust 'Parents as Partners' policy.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

We complete regular observations and assessments which are shared with parents and multi professionals. We hold regular plan, do and review meetings.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

Key workers receive regular supervisions with the manager. We also provide regular meetings with the manager and nursery SENCo. Again, regular observations and a robust tracking system ensures that children are meeting their individual needs.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

We provide highly motivational SEN resources. We differentiate children's planned activities.

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

All areas are easily accessible with a flat surface throughout the nursery both indoors and outdoors. Large doors inside and leading to the outdoors enables all children and adults access throughout.

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

We are committed to promoting our strict anti-discriminatory policy. A risk assessment will be completed

How do you work with other organisations?

One to one support if necessary and transportation will be accessible for wheelchairs.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

We have a very good working partnership with the AEN team and also the SALT team. We hold meetings and reviews within the nursery in a designated meeting area.

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

On settling in an 'All About Me' is completed with parents and their key worker. A baseline assessment is then completed and shared with parents and any other professionals working with the family. Upon leaving we work closely with schools to ensure a smooth transition.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

All compliments are recorded and shared with staff. Any complaints will be dealt with professionally and in conjunction with our complaints and compliments policy.
Updated: 17/11/2022