Contact phone
0161 770 8777Contact email
18 years and olderOpening times
Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm (Closed Bank Holidays)Cost details
£66 (this includes VAT) for a full day. £33 (this includes VAT) for a half-day. Snacks and soft/hot drinks are included within the cost, and a Lunch Club runs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday which costs £3.50 on a pay as you go basis. On Monday and Thursday, attendees are encouraged to bring their own packed lunch.Description
The MILES@Ena Day Service provides a range of social activities and learning opportunities in a warm and friendly environment for people who are age 18 years and older who have autism, complex needs, physical or learning disabilities, acquired brain injury and early onset dementia. The aim is to provide a flexible and responsive service to meet the needs of every individual, with a chance to meet new friends and learn new skills, enjoying time away from home in a welcoming and safe setting.
Activities include:
Developing life skills such as drinks and food preparation in the MILES@Ena kitchen
Cooking and baking
Outdoor and gardening activities
Arts, crafts and games (card games, board games, pool and indoor bowls)
Pampering (hand massage, manicures and relaxation / wellbeing sessions)
Access to an on-site sensory room
Parties and event days
Music therapy
IT suite