Moorside, OL4

Contact phone

07706 761 872
Ofsted URN: EY550612

Ofsted rating



Birth to 4 years

Opening times

Monday to Thursday 7.30am - 5.30pm

Cost details

Per hour: £5.50

Free childcare possible for 2 year olds


Free childcare possible for 3/4 year olds


Takes childcare vouchers?



Registered for 30 hours free childcare

10% Reductions for siblings

Special diets offered

On discussion with parents

Provides for different cultural needs


How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities?

Discussions with parents when children start or when its noticed, Observation and assessment to monitor the child.

How do you involve parents/carers?

Give parents lots of information about SEND Listen to what they are saying, be flexible when agreeing on a strategy.

How do you support a child’s learning and development?

I will set activities out for them and challenge them to their full potential. I will plan for their next steps and make sure they are reaching their targets/goals.

How do you meet a child’s educational needs?

I will observe and assess your child and track them alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage. I will build up a bond with each child and make them feel valued.

How do we know my child is achieving agreed outcomes?

We will have regular meetings to see what the child has achieved or to see what needs to be changed or altered to get the outcomes that we need.

How do you adapt for a child with extra needs?

Depending on the activity I would offer more support as and when needed and explain and demonstrate more so they can see what is expected of them.

How accessible is your service, outside and inside?

Yes its very accessible indoors I have a side entrance that goes around the back with no steps. But the back garden is high up and you have to walk up 5 steps.

How do you involve children in outings and trips?

I will include all children where and when possible so no one is left out. I would make sure someone accompanied the child on the trip to make it more 1:1 on an outing.

How do you work with other organisations?

I haven’t worked with them since childminding myself but I have done previously in my nurseries I’ve worked at. I would try and work with them to get the desired outcomes for the child.

How do you support children when they start and leave?

I do home visits if needed, I do settling in sessions and then I do transitions to school and speak to their teacher or new nursery to make the transition smooth.

How are you/staff trained in extra needs?

All up to date and trained with SEND and do all the refresher courses to keep knowledge fresh.

What is your policy on compliments, complaints, concerns?

You can contact myself or Ofsted (poster on my notice board) and the matter will be resolved within 21 days.
Updated: 20/08/2024