Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours
Support and advice, specialist treatment
Treatment for people who have an acquired brain injury and/or learning difficulty.
St Joseph's RC Primary School, Oldham Road, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8SZ

Contact phone

01244 678 629 - B.I.R.D. Charity (Brain Injury Rehabilitation & Development) 0800 0286256 - Helpline

Contact email


From 0 to 25 years old

Cost details

Families are requested to make voluntary donations towards the cost of treatment


The term “brain injury” covers a huge variety of conditions. At B.I.R.D, we make no distinction between types of brain injury and aim to treat people of all ages and all levels of severity.

Treatment is offered at B.I.R.D. to persons with Special Educational Needs, who may have either an Acquired Brain Injury and/or Learning Difficulty. Therapists work with families to identify difficulties and make recommendations for treatment.

Direct contact can be made to the Charity from individuals but referrals are also accepted from Health/Education professionals.

B.I.R.D. is unable to work with any person with a progressive/degenerative disorder. Families must have their own transport.

Treatment comprises a tailored 'exercise' based programme, which is performed by the individual within their own home on a daily basis. Treatment programmes typically take 20-30 minutes to complete each day and are non-invasive. Service users who are successful in implementing a daily programme of treatment regularly report improvemens in activities of daily living, including improved academic development, improvements in social, communication and behavioural development, as well as improved health, sleep and mental health.

Category of Service: Health (assessment & intervention)
Service users: B.I.R.D. offers treatment to people young and old, with an acquired brain injury and/or learning difficulty. Patients are treated from 2 years of age upwards, with no upper age limit.

The B.I.R.D. treatment programme is suitable for persons with conditions including:

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Developmental Delay
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyslexia
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Irlen Syndrome

Any one who has acquired a brain inury as a result of :

  • Stroke
  • Road traffic accident
  • Accident/illness
  • Meningitis/Encephalitis

B.I.R.D. also regularly works with persons with no formal diagnosis, but who:

  • Have general learning difficulties
  • May be underachieving academically

Who are having:

  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Behavioural difficulties

B.I.R.D. screens all persons for suitability before commencing treatment. B.I.R.D. makes no distinction between; severities of condition, working with a spectrum of conditions; ranging from very mild, where a child or young person is accessing mainstream education, to the very severe, where a person may require full time care.

B.I.R.D. uses the facilities at St Jospeh School to conduct therapy sessions with families living in Oldham.

B.I.R.D.'s main treatment Centre is based in Chester: Old Coach House, Church Road, Eccleston, CH4 9HT

Updated: 13/03/2023