Advice and support
If you know somebody who has an eating disorder or who you think might have an eating disorder there is support out there for you.
Beat, Unit 1 Chalk Hill House, 19 Rosary Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1SZ

Contact phone

0808 801 0677


Our national Helpline exists to encourage and empower people to get help quickly, because we know the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery. People can contact us online or by phone 365 days a year. We listen to them, help them to understand the illness, and support them to take positive steps towards recovery. We also support family and friends, equipping them with essential skills and advice, so they can help their loved ones recover whilst also looking after their own mental health. And we campaign to increase knowledge among healthcare and other relevant professionals, and for better funding for high-quality treatment, so that when people are brave enough to take vital steps towards recovery, the right help is available to them.

The work we do means that every year lives are saved, families are kept together, and people are able to live free of eating disorders.

Find us on Facebook and Twitter


Updated: 16/05/2023