Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours
Support, advice and eye health care
We offer immediate support to people experiencing sight loss from the point of diagnosis.

Referral details

Self referral accepted as well as referrals from health care professionals. Please ring or email to make an appointment.
Oldham Integrated Care Centre, Eye Clinic, Level 2, New Radcliffe Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL

Contact phone

07515 192 223


All ages (birth to adult)

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Cost details



We offer immediate support to people experiencing sight loss from the point of diagnosis.

We provide general information on eye conditions and treatment and we can be present at medical appointments and procedures for support.

We advise on independence and mobility, low vision aids and how to get them, benefits and concessions, certification of a visual impairment and local services available.

We provide practical support with issues such as employment, daily living skills and technology. We provide emotional support to parents and families and can refer to professional counselling if necessary.

We make referrals to local and national services. We have time to listen and address your concerns, either face to face or by phone.

The service is based at the Oldham Eye Clinic and is provided by RNIB.

Eye Clinic Liaison Certificate achieved.

Click here for more information about the service 

Updated: 19/07/2023