We strongly suggest contacting the service or activity before you use it. This way you can check all the details are correct and that everything is right for you. Please remember to ask staff to show you that relevant insurance is in place and staff qualifications are up to date.
Physical activity session
Supporting children to lead an active lifestyle from a young age


2 - 5 year olds

Cost details



City Play: Together is a new City in the Community (CITC) initiative to help get families and their children age 2-5 taking part in physical activity together.

Where: Millennium Powerhouse (M14 4SL) When: Weekly Monday's 3.30pm – 4.30pm

Where: Wythenshawe Forum (M22 5RX) When: Weekly Thursday's 3.45pm – 4.45pm

Where: Manchester Youth Zone (M9 8AE) When: Weekly Friday's 11am - 12pm

To secure a place at any of the venues, please email cityplay@cityfootball.com

Updated: 05/12/2023