Privacy Notice - Lifelong Learning

What this privacy notice is for

Our core data protection obligations and commitments are set out in the council’s primary privacy notices:

This notice provides additional privacy information for:

  • The Lifelong Learning Service which provides skills training for adults aged 19 and

Updating our privacy notices

We may update or revise our privacy notices at any time so please refer to the version published on our website for the most up to date details

What we use your information for

We collect your personal information for the following purpose(s):

  • To claim Government funding for your learning programme
  • To manage the administration of course and community group enrolments
  • To manage the administration of crèches
  • To ensure the suitability of the course and monitor your progress
  • To give you the appropriate support, where necessary
  • To contact you regarding your course and how have benefitted from your
  • To monitor our provision and ensure it meets the needs of Oldham residents
  • Marketing purposes: where we have asked and you have consented to receive electronic marketing information about our services (you may withdraw your consent at any time)

What categories of personal information we use

Personal information can be anything that identifies and relates to a living person. This can include information that when linked with other information, allows a person to be uniquely identified. For example, this could be your name and contact details.

The law treats some types of personal information as ‘special’ because the information requires more protection due to its sensitivity. This information consists of:

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Sexuality and sexual life
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Trade union membership
  • Political opinions
  • Genetic and bio-metric data
  • Physical or mental health
  • Criminal convictions and offences

In order to carry out these purposes we collect and obtain the following personal information.

Category of personal data


Name, address and contact details


National Insurance Number


Date of birth and gender


Ethnic origin, disabilities and learning difficulties


Employment and benefit details


Educational information (prior learning, diagnostic assessments,

examination results, learning assessments, attendance records)


Name and contact details of Next of Kin


Personal circumstances


Name, date of birth and gender of children attending our crèche


Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing and or sharing your personal information is that it is necessary to perform statutory functions under

  • Learning and Skills Act 2000
  • Equality Act 2010

If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into with you to provide learning as we may be prevented from complying with our legal obligations under the Learning and Skills Act 2000.

Information sharing/recipients

We may share personal information about you with the following organisations/types of organisations:

  • Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to fulfill our obligations under the Learning and Skills Act 2000. The ESFA’s Privacy Notice can be found at: ESFA Privacy notices - GOV.UK web page
  • The ESFA’s Learning Records Service for the purposes of issuing you with a Unique Learner Number and to create your Personal Learning Record. More information can be found here: LRS Privacy notices - GOV.UK web page
  • Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) for the purposes of
  • National Careers Service
  • Job Centre Plus
  • Employment Agencies
  • Examination boards
  • Diagnostic assessment organisations
  • Other Oldham Council Departments
  • Other agencies who work with you and refer you to our Services

Identifiable Personal Information could be shared under the following circumstances:

  • Safeguarding, if something you tell us raises a safeguarding concern
  • You raise a specific personal issue or concern that requires addressing
  • You ask us to share your personal details

As well as information collected directly from you, we may also obtain or receive information from the bodies listed above.

Data Transfers beyond European Economic Area

We do not transfer any of your personal information outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’).

Automated Decisions

All the decisions we make about you involve human intervention.

How long we keep your data

We will keep your personal data according to the timescales set out by the Education & Skills Funding Agency. Depending on how your learning is funded, this will be the later of:

  • Six years from the end of the financial year in which we received payment from the Education & Skills Funding Agency for your
  • Three years after the European Commission has made its final payment for the project that funded your

After that time, electronic and paper records are securely destroyed.

Where can I get advice

More information on how to seek advice in order to exercise your rights, raise a concern or complain about the handling of your personal information by the council can be found in the council’s privacy notice which can be found at: