SEND Graduated Response Toolkit

Early Years SENCO Toolkit

This document supports Private, Voluntary and Independent Early Years setting leadership and setting SENDCos to implement statutory requirements from the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 (updated 2015).

In the overview section you will find information about the SENDco role, communicating with parents, the importance of a person-centred review and further information about the graduated response.

This short podcast explains the key documents that support children with SEND in the Early Years 


The role of the SENDCO

The SENDCo’s role is to:

  • Listen to parents if they have concerns about their child’s development and support them to decide what they want to happen next.
  • Our SENDco liaises with a wide range of professionals including speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, health visitors, community nurse team, dietician, community paediatrics service and the AREA SENDco/Additional Needs Team.
  • Our SENDco provides support and information to other staff if they have concerns about a child’s development.