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SEND Graduated Response Toolkit

Graduated Response Toolkit


For children and young people identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), settings will take action to remove barriers to learning and put into place effective special educational provision through a graduated response.

A graduated response will be undertaken which draws upon the four-part cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and ReviewDuring this cycle approaches are revisited, refined and revised building on a growing understanding of learners’ needs and the support needed in helping them to make good progress and secure good outcomes.

This toolkit is designed to support professionals to improve accessibility and remove barriers to learning by making reasonable adjustments through high quality teaching and targeted support as part of the graduated response.

The guidance is set out below for Early Years, Schools and post 16 settings. 

Person-Centred Approach

The principles of Person-Centred Practice are fundamental to the use of the Graduated Response. These principles are about listening, sharing power, responsive action and connecting with citizenship.