Please complete this form if you wish to update or register a change of vehicle.

Before you begin this form, please have copies of the following documents ready to upload:

  • Current valid insurance certificate
  • V5C (Log Book) or New Keeper Slip (if new keeper slip a bill of sale is also required)
  • Proof of Road Tax
  • Bill of Sale

IMPORTANT: You must return your old plates to the Licensing Service before your new ones will be given to you. If you fail to return your plates, you will not be issued with your new ones. 

Older browser issues

Older versions of some browsers e.g. Internet Explorer and Edge do not work properly with this form.

Please upgrade to the latest version or use a different browser before starting this form.

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The council primarily use your data for handling your query.

All information is processed in accordance with our organisational data protection policy ( 

We never sell your data to third parties or use it for marketing purposes without your consent.