This form has a maximum of 27 pages

As part of this application you will be required to upload some supporting documents - if applicable please have the following ready:

  • Governing document (Constitution, Articles of Association and Memorandum of Understanding etc.)
  • Annual reports or returns for Companies House, The Charity Commission or other governing body
  • Staffing structure
  • Audited or independently checked set accounts for its’ last financial year
  • Last three bank statements
  • Details of any currently owned or leased asset; or details of previously owned or leased asset
  • A business plan
  • Appropriate insurance policies
  • Minute or minutes from the managing body meeting where this authority was granted or a letter confirming you have authority to act on their behalf

The transfer of an asset into community management and / or ownership can be a complex process. The processes of the Council and responsibilities of your Organisation’s Managing Group are outlined within the document Oldham Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy.

Please read this guidance before completing your application

Offline version of the form

If you would prefer to complete an offline form then please download this version:

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The council primarily use your data for handling your query.

All information is processed in accordance with our organisational data protection policy ( 

We never sell your data to third parties or use it for marketing purposes without your consent.