Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Before you begin...

When you complete this form to notify the Council of an event you are organising, you will need to upload some information:

  • A traffic management plan (if you are planning to use the public highway)
  • Public liability insurance (if event is held on Council property)
  • A traffic management plan if you require road closures*
  • A risk assessment

*5 weeks is the standard prior notice period required for any event organisers who require a road closure

PRS for Music

Please note that if you will be playing live or recorded music at your event, we are obliged to pass on the contact details (name and address) of the event organiser to PRS. Please ensure you comply with all necessary requirements.

For further information relating to PRS, consult their website:

Privacy notice

The council primarily uses your data for handling your query.

All information is processed in accordance with our organisational data protection policy (

We never sell your data to third parties or use it for marketing purposes without your consent.