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glossary of termsFile type: PDFSize: 137.51 KBDownload Statement of Accounts 2018/19 Statement of AccountsFile type: PDFSize: 2.52 MBDownload Notice of Public Inspection 2018-19File type: PDFSize: 125.34 KBDownload Audit certificate 2018-19 Audit certificate 2018-19File type: PDFSize: 70.63 KBDownload Conclusion of Audit 2018-19 Conclusion of Audit 2018-19File type: PDFSize: 56.81 KBDownload December 2019 spending records December 2019 spending recordsFile type: XLSXSize: 68.13 KBDownload Statement of Accounts 2019-20 Statement of Accounts 2019-20File type: PDFSize: 2.34 MBDownload Notice of Public Inspection 2019-20 Notice of Public Inspection 2019-20File type: PDFSize: 70.27 KBDownload February 2021 spending records February 2021 spending recordsFile type: XLSXSize: 176.25 KBDownload Notice - Departure from Statutory public inspection period Notice - Departure from Statutory public inspection periodFile type: PDFSize: 74.67 KBDownload Draft Statement of Accounts - 2020-21 Draft Statement of Accounts - 2020-21File type: PDFSize: 1.79 MBDownload Executive salaries Executive salariesFile type: XLSXSize: 43.75 KBDownload May 2021 Spending Records May 2021 Spending RecordsFile type: XLSXSize: 121.59 KBDownload Outturn Statement 2019-20 Table A Outturn Statement 2019-20 Table AFile type: XLSXSize: 26.88 KBDownload Outturn Statement 2019-20 Table A1 Outturn Statement 2019-20 Table A1File type: XLSXSize: 20.39 KBDownload Budget Statement 2021-22 Budget Statement 2021-22File type: XLSXSize: 25.06 KBDownload Statement of Accounts 2020-21 Statement of Accounts 2020-21File type: PDFSize: 2.3 MBDownload Annual Audit LetterFile type: PDFSize: 369.06 KBDownload Appendix 10a - Table 1 PPS Appendices Council December 2021 Appendix 10a - Table 1 PPS Appendices Council December 2021File type: XLSXSize: 55.69 KBDownload Statement of Accounts 2021/22 Statement of Accounts 21/22File type: PDFSize: 1.97 MBDownload Notice of Public Inspection 21/22File type: PDFSize: 74.16 KBDownload Outturn Statement 2020-21 - 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