Christmas Hours Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period. Christmas hours
Available downloads Carers centre relocation consultation Carers centre relocation consultation report Carers centre relocation consultationFile type: PDFSize: 167.92 KBDownload Do you provide adult health and social care services? Adult Services and Health Market Position StatementFile type: PDFSize: 410.11 KBDownload Market Position Statement ChecklistFile type: DOCXSize: 17.13 KBDownload Annex C Market Sustainability PlanFile type: DOCXSize: 53.13 KBDownload Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Strategy Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services StrategyFile type: PDFSize: 1.23 MBDownload Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Transformational PlanFile type: PDFSize: 13.36 MBDownload Paying for care or support at home or in your community Financial Assessment Appeals ProcessFile type: PDFSize: 132.69 KBDownload Residential Charging Policy for Adult Social CareFile type: PDFSize: 272.67 KBDownload Non-residential charging policy for Adult Social CareFile type: PDFSize: 300.59 KBDownload Moving and Handling downloadable referral form Moving and Handling downloadable referral formFile type: DOCXSize: 59.51 KBDownload Six Simple Strength and Balance Exercises Six Simple Strength and Balance Exercises Six Simple Strength and Balance ExercisesFile type: PDFSize: 1.85 MBDownload Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Exercise: Oldham - Annex B - Domiciliary care 18+ Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Exercise: Oldham - Annex B - Domiciliary care 18+File type: DOCXSize: 45.49 KBDownload Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Exercise: Oldham - Annex B - Care Homes 65+ Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Exercise: Oldham - Annex B - Care Homes 65+File type: DOCXSize: 94.96 KBDownload Sub–categories of Health and social care Caring for someone Disabilities and sensory loss Families and parenting Paying for your social care Keeping healthy Resources for practitioners Getting out and about Report a concern or abuse Protecting children Project Choice Children in care Keeping adults safe Oldham Council Health and social care RSS feed