The Honeywell Centre
Contact for bookings
Phone number
0161 770 2155
Room information (size, capacity, number)
Main Hall: Holds 120 people seated theatre style - Bell Suite: Holds 50 people seated theatre style - Community room 1: Holds 25 people seated theatre style - Community room 2: Holds 25 people seated theatre style - Community rooms 1&2 combined (Divider pulled back): Holds 40 people seated theatre style - Youth wing: Holds 50 people seated theatre style - Fitness & Dance studio: Holds 20 people
Disability Access / facilities
Kitchen available / catering facilities
No kitchen however catering can be provided on request
Parking information
23 car parking spaces 5 of which are disabled
Public transport information
409 from Ashton / Oldham - 425 from Oldham Town centre / Holts / Fitton Hill - 76 from Limeside - 180 from Manchester / Huddersfield
Times available for room hire
8.30am – 9.30pm
Prices (where known)
Available on request
Toilet facilities
Ground floor & 1st Floor
Equipment available to use (e.g. projector)
Laptop, projector, audio equipment, microphone, speakers, flipchart stand and pad & flipchart markers.