Denshaw Village Hall, Ripponden Road, Denshaw, Oldham, OL3 5SY
Contact for bookings
Ros Martin
Phone number
07884 940608
Room information (size, capacity, number)
Small meeting room, medium meeting room and main hall
Disability Access / facilities
Fully wheelchair accessible. Hearing loop in large meeting room
Kitchen available / catering facilities
Full kitchen facilities and crockery available
Parking information
Private car park adjacent to the hall
Public transport information
407, Local Link
Times available for room hire
Please contact to check availability
Prices (where known)
Available on request
Toilet facilities
Male, female and disabled toilets available
Equipment available to use (e.g. projector)
Projector, screen, flip chart (paper not provided), crockery, refreshments trolley
Other comments
Stage available. Large Council owned field adjacent to the hall