The Crossley Centre,323 Denton Lane, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 9GA
Contact for bookings
Lynne Anderson
Phone number
0161 652 1419
Social media pages
Facebook @TheCrossleyCentre
Room information (size, capacity, number)
Up to 100 people
Disability Access / facilities
Full disability access
Kitchen available / catering facilities
Parking information
12 spaces with parking around the Centre
Public transport information
The Tram is 3 minute walk down Robinson Street
Times available for room hire
Contact Centre for availability
Prices (where known)
From £10 to £20 per hour.
Toilet facilities
Gents, Ladies and disabled with nappy changing facility
Equipment available to use (e.g. projector)
Flip Chart, Projector and sound equipment at a small charge. Contact Centre for Hire Charge
Other comments
Small Play Area at the rear of Building.