Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The role Oldham Council plays in looking after children and young people is one of the most important things we do, creating a place where children and young people feel safe, happy and can thrive.

When a child’s parents or family cannot or do not provide appropriate care for them the local authority has a corporate parenting responsibility for the child. This is a legal responsibility given to local authorities by the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004.

We’ve been working with the Children in Care Council, who provide a representative voice for Oldham children looked after and care leavers (up to the age of 25) to find out and understand just what corporate parenting means to them.

We’re committed to listening and acting upon the voice of our children in care and care leavers and we’ve been working jointly to improve and move our corporate parenting agenda forward.

Corporate Parenting Panel

Through the panel, Oldham Council and its partners will be accountable for their practice in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of these children in line with the corporate parenting principles laid out in the Children and Social Work Act 2017.

The role of this panel is to focus on leadership and commitment to the corporate parenting agenda, driving an ambitious and multi-agency approach to improving outcomes for children looked after and care leavers.

Our terms of reference (which can be downloaded below) outlines the panel’s commitment and the priorities of the Children in Care Council Oldham as to what members believe a ‘good corporate parent should be’; including:

  • “What are you doing to best support me to be independent?”
  • “How are you supporting me to be safe, enjoy where I live and to have security in my life?”
  • “How are you helping me achieve my goals and dreams and reach my potential?”
  • “How are you making sure we are getting the services we need?”
  • “What are you doing about the things we are telling you and how do you let us know?”
  • “How are you listening to us and understanding our stories, feelings and needs?”
  • “How are you best supporting us to keep ourselves healthy?”

Corporate Parenting Panel Terms of Reference

Corporate parenting strategy

Further information

If you’re a child in care and would like to contact Oldham Children’s Services.

If you’re a Care Leaver (up to the age of 25) and would like to find out how we can help you with your money, home, education, rights and provide you with a Passport to Independence.

Children in Care Council Oldham website