Website maintenance - Thursday 18 July

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Thursday 18 July between 11am and 2pm. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

1. Cabinet

The Cabinet is made up of a Leader, and up to 9 councillors appointed by the Leader, including a Deputy Leader.

The Cabinet is responsible for strategic decisions and recommends proposals for approval by full Council on the budget, Council Tax levels and the Council’s policy framework.

The Cabinet can form committees, working groups and panels. 

The Cabinet usually meets monthly.

What does the Cabinet do?

The Leader of the Council may determine to exercise any of the executive functions of the Council personally, or may arrange for the exercise of any of the Council’s executive functions by:

  • The Cabinet
  • By a Committee of the Cabinet
  • By an officer of the Council

Powers of the Cabinet

  • Implement agreed policies
  • Give political leadership
  • Make key decisions
  • Proposes policy framework
  • Proposes the budget
  • Makes recommendations to Council

Cabinet portfolios

Cabinet Member for Building a Better Oldham - Cllr Arooj Shah (Leader of Oldham Council)

  • Strategy and Performance
  • Communications
  • Transformation
  • Greater Manchester 
  • Economic Growth and Regeneration
  • Capital Projects
  • Corporate Property

Deputy Cabinet Member for Bee Network Delivery – Cllr Josh Charters

  • Strategic Transport
  • Oldham’s Member of the Bee Network Committee

Cabinet Member for Decent Homes - Cllr Elaine Taylor

  • Strategic Housing 
  • Housing Needs 
  • Housing Enforcement 
  • Homelessness 
  • Planning 
  • Selective Licensing

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People - Cllr Shaid Mushtaq

  • Lead Member for Children’s Services (LMCS)
  • Children’s Safeguarding
  • Children’s Social Care
  • Children’s Commissioning
  • Early Help and Family Hubs 
  • Youth Service
  • Early Years

Deputy Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Improvement - Cllr Holly Harrison

Deputy Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding - Cllr Lisa Navesey

Cabinet Member for Education and Skills - Cllr Mohon Ali

  • Education and Skills
  • SEND
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Apprenticeships 

Deputy Cabinet Member for Education – Cllr Umar Nasheen 

Cabinet Member for Value for Money and Sustainability - Cllr Abdul Jabbar

  • Finance 
  • HR and OD 
  • Legal and Governance
  • IT and Digital 
  • Climate Change and Green New Deal

Cabinet Member for Enterprise - Cllr Fida Hussain

  • Employment and Employability 
  • Get Oldham Working 
  • Business Support 
  • Business Networking

Deputy Cabinet Member for Get Oldham Working – Cllr Nazrul Islam

Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing - Cllr Barbara Brownridge

  • Adult Social Care 
  • Adult Safeguarding 
  • Adult’s and Public Health Commissioning 
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing 
  • Integrated Care System Development
  • Public Health

Deputy Cabinet Member for Public Health – Cllr Marie Bashforth 

Cabinet Member for Don’t Trash Oldham - Cllr Chris Goodwin

  • Public Protection (Environmental Health, Pest Control, Waste Enforcement, Building Control and Trading Standards) 
  • Waste, Cleansing and Greenspaces
  • Highways and Engineering
  • Emergency Planning

Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture - Cllr Peter Dean

  • Culture, Leisure and Sports
  • Libraries, Heritage and Arts
  • Night Time Economy 
  • Visitor Economy
  • Customer Services
  • Resident Focus
  • PBI and Districts
  • VCSFE Sector 
  • Justice and Community Safety 

Deputy Cabinet Member for Communities - Cllr Aftab Hussain