A smiling white baby wearing a pink jumper crawls through a res play tunnel looking at the camera

Oldham Heritage, Libraries & Arts. Places for people and ideas.

An oil painting of Glodwick, Oldham conveys a small town in the background with smoke coming from the chimneys and rolling fields in the foreground with women working in the fields. There are dark clouds above them
A photograph of someone dressed in an Owl mascot costume wearing blue and black, arms outstretched

What’s on this week

There’s always plenty happening. Check the listings to see all our talks and tours, art and craft courses, family activities, cinema showings and other events.

Events happening this week


Crompton Crafters

Crompton Library Farrow Street East, Shaw, Oldham

Online basics

Northmoor Library Chadderton Way, Oldham

Bounce and Rhyme

Oldham Library & Lifelong Learning Centre Greaves Street, Oldham

Chat & choose

Northmoor Library Chadderton Way, Oldham

Chat & choose

Limehurst Library Lime Green Parade, Oldham

Chat & choose

Fitton Hill Library Fircroft Road, Oldham

Week of Events

Women’s Health Festival

Women’s Health Festival