1. Datasets

Council Constitution

How decisions are made and the procedures which are followed.


Oldham Council publishes details of all purchases made from suppliers costing more than £500. This information is displayed in PDF, CSV and XLS file formats for ease of access

Fraud Information

Current information in relation to Fraud investigation can be found via the link below:

Grants Information

Greater Manchester Waste Disposal

Housing Revenue Account  - Social Housing Stock

The Local Government transparency code 2015, requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing stock at postal code level  (eg OL1 1**) except where the stock number in that postcode is lower than 2,500. In these situations, in order to ensure that individual properties cannot be identified, councils are obliged to publish at a higher postcode level (eg OL1)

The data is based on the valuations by Unity Partnership in 2014. The market values are in the opinion of the valuers the best sale price that could be obtained for the property at the time of valuation. The adjusted Existing Use Value – Social Housing (EUV-SV) represents the assumption that the properties have sitting tenants with potentially below-market value rents and statutory rights such as right to buy. 

The valuations are not an indication or suggestion that tenancies should be ended to realise the market value.

Land and building asset information

Land and Buildings form part of the Council’s assets, the total value of which is published as part of the statement of accounts.

We also publish a list of current land and building assets: 

Parking Spaces Information

Parking services are managed on behalf of the Council by NSL.

There is information in relation to parking within Oldham:


Public Contracts Legislation - Payments

Under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Regulation 113) Oldham Council is required to publish performance data at the end of each financial year starting with 2015/16.

The data demonstrates the Council’s performance on paying invoices within 30 days to first tier suppliers/ prime contractors over the previous 12 months.

The statistics include:

  1. Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days.
  2. The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment.

Additionally, it is a requirement to publish the total amount of interest that the Council was liable to pay i.e. whether or not paid, whether statutory or otherwise, due to breach of the Regulations. This figure must be published annually in relation to the previous 12 month period at the end of March 2017.

In order to comply with the legislation, the table below shows the performance of Oldham Council.

Financial Year Proportion of invoices paid within 30 days in accordance with regulation 113* The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to breach of the requirement in regulation 113 The amount of interest that the contracting authority was liable to pay i.e. Whether paid or not paid whether statutory or otherwise due to a breach of the Regulations
2023/24 91.83% £410 £81,972
2022/23 91.13% £651 £71,891
2021/22 93.81% £1,065 £35,547
2020/21 96.60%     £1,511     £45,811
2019/20 92.85% £3,572 £43,640
 2018/19  93.39%  Nil  £33,592
 2017/18  92.03%  Nil  £33,077.00

*The Council currently do not have the means to be able to exclude periods where invoices are in dispute between receipt and payment so the above figures include this.

Senior salaries information

Information in relation to Executive Salaries, this includes posts with salaries over £50,000

Trade Union facility time

Transparency Code Report 2023 - 2024

The total number of staff (absolute and FTE) who are union representatives (including general, learning, and health and safety representatives):

  • Total: 11
  • FTE:   4

Total number (absolute and FTE) of union representatives who devote at least 50% of their time to union duties:

  • Total = 6
  • FTE = 4

Names of all trade unions represented in the Local Authority

  • Unison, GMB, Unite, AEP, NEU, NASUWT, NAHT, ASCL

Basic estimate of spending on unions (calculated as the number of full-time equivalent days spent on union duties, by authority staff that spent the majority of their time on union duties, multiplied by the average salary

  • £367,640.04

Calculation based on which is FTE average salary. Actual spend is less due to monies contributed from non-council budgets to support the provision of trade union representation, to non-council direct employees.

A basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill (calculated as the number of full-time equivalent days spent on union duties by authority staff that spent the majority of their time on union duties multiplied by the average salary divided by the total pay bill)

  • 0.20% (based on the calculation above).