After your needs assessment, you will find out if the Council can provide you with help.
You will get to talk about the types of services that will best meet your needs and write these arrangements down.
This written document is known as a Care Plan.
What is in the Care Plan?
- A summary of your eligible needs
- A summary of what the help is going to achieve
- Who is responsible for providing services to you
- What they have agreed to do
- When they will do it
- Who is responsible for making sure things are going to plan
- Who the key people are and how you can contact them
Your Care Plan may also include things which you and your carer will do, as well as services that will be arranged.
Services will not always be provided directly from Adult and Community Services – Adult Social Care. Sometimes private or voluntary agencies provide services instead.
Care Plan reviews
Your Care Plan will be reviewed regularly. However, if you feel your Care Plan is not working you may ask for a review.
You will need to say whether:
- You are happy with the services we have arranged and, if not, how we can improve the situation
- You are managing at home with the services provided
- Your circumstances have changed and you need a reassessment to look at different services
- If what the service aimed to do has happened
As a result of reviews, we may either increase or reduce services if there are any changes in your circumstances.
You will receive a copy of the review document.
If you are unhappy with the result of the review, you have the right to appeal. Your reviewing officer will help you with the complaints form.