- Saddleworth and Lees
- Saddleworth Museum
- Safeguarding (adults)
- Safeguarding (children)
- Safeguarding vulnerable adults
- School admissions
- School closures
- School governors
- School holidays
- School meals
- School readiness
- Schools
- Search for a planning application
- Secondary school places (admissions)
- Security cameras
- Selective Licensing of Private Landlords
- SEND (special educational needs and disabilities)
- SEND Local Offer
- Sensory impairment
- Sensory loss and disabilities
- Set up a Direct Debit
- Settlement services
- Sewers and drains
- Sexual health
- Shaw and Crompton
- Short breaks
- Showroom (aids and equipment)
- Single person discount - Council Tax
- Smoke pollution
- Snow and ice
- Social care services
- Social housing
- Social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc)
- Social service emergencies
- Social services
- Social Work Academy (Childrens)
- Sole Occupier Discount - Council Tax
- Speach and language support
- Special educational needs (SEN)
- Special Guardianship
- Speech and language support
- Spending records
- Sports centres
- Start-up business support
- Statement of Accounts
- Stop smoking
- Stray animals
- Street cleaning
- Street furniture
- Street lights
- Student allowances
- Substance abuse
- Suicide Prevention Plan
- Summons to Court for unpaid Council Tax
- Support for carers'
- Support to live at home
- Sustainability
- Swimming pools
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