Help to apply for benefits

The Welfare Rights Service provides free advice and support about:

  • Benefit entitlement advice
  • Assistance completing benefit forms
  • Mandatory reconsideration
  • Appeals
  • Tribunal


Role of the Welfare Rights Service

The advice given by the service is completely independent, impartial and free.

The service recognises that individuals must make their own decisions and that the role of the service is to give people information to exercise their rights.

We will actively promote the take-up of benefits so that the residents of Oldham know their rights and do not miss out on their entitlements. 

New money guidance from Money and Pensions Service

The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) has launched new guidance to help people manage changes to the cost of living. Its focus is on people who have not yet missed payments on their bills or credit commitments, but who are at serious risk of doing so.

The guidance on its Money Helper website helps people manage their money in uncertain times.

These resources and tools are aimed to help with:

For people who are already missing payments on their bills or credit commitments, then free debt advice services are available via MaPS’ advice locator tool.

General advice

You can contact the Benefits Service for advice about:

  • Council Tax
  • Benefits
  • Your application and payments


Are you struggling with the cost of living? We can help

It's ok to reach out for help if you need it. 

We know it's a difficult time for many, so please be aware that support is available.