Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Childminders are childcare professionals, from a range of backgrounds, who can offer: 

  • part-time or full-time places 
  • school drop off and/or pick up 
  • school holiday care 
  • flexible hours to suit you (some offer weekend/overnight care) 

Research shows that the first 1000 days of a young child’s life are the most important. Childminders play a crucial role in supporting children and families. They help children to have the best start in life. They also do it through the learning opportunities they offer. They get the skills and knowledge to reach this goal finally. These form the foundations for all round development and prepare children for adulthood.  Childminders, therefore, have a far reaching impact. This is a dynamic and evolving profession. 

Children are educated and cared for in the childminders home for more than 2 hours at a time. They need to be registered with either Ofsted or a Childminder Agency.  Often other children or the childminder’s own children are present. 

Childminders must be 18 years of age or over to register. Childminders are either registered with Ofsted or an Ofsted registered childminder agency.   

Before becoming a childminder you will need to undertake a training course. This has to meet Ofsted's requirements. Or, those of your childminder agency.

All childminders must meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. They must do this if they are caring for children under 5.  

In your work as a childminder, you will record information about children. This includes their development, health, learning, and behavior. You will need to tell the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) this. You are a ‘data controller’ for data protection. 

You can find out if you need to register with the ICO or not, by using their online self-assessment tool. 

A childminder is usually self-employed. They are responsible for their own tax and national insurance. Childminders must follow HMRC guidance. They can also use an accountant. 

Childminders market their own business. They may want to find out if there is a need in the area. 

If you rent, you need written permission from your landlord. You need it to run a childminding business from home. 

Becoming a childminder

HRMC guidance